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Trap Quest Release 15 Version 3.1

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This post's cover art is of the new (in December) Slime Wall Monster for beta and alpha testers. Art by Wishberri.

Slime Wall Monster

This is not a big new version, but we've disabled Christmas mode (how has it been a month since Christmas already?!), fixed a bunch of bugs, and MG has coded a bit of fun stuff.


Just here for the download links? We now have that all neatly packaged on the itchio page!



It's the least wonderful time of the year!

Christmas mode is disabled by default, and can only be enabled by alpha testers until next Christmas.

Go Go Gadget Air Pump!

Aeromancers no longer inflate their breasts when air inflation is disabled. Instead, they wear an inflatable harness like they do when your npc gender preference is set to male.

[Mythical Creatures] Less Boring Buzzers

Added more variety to the flavor text when you are being fucked by a Giant Wasp.

[Artificial Enhancements] Module Magic

If your hips have reached their maximum size and you get unlucky, the ass module can now replace your butt flesh with silicone.

If your tits have reached their maximum size and you get unlucky, the chest module can now replace your breast flesh with silicone.

I call upon the power of Aika!

Added more possible spell incantations.

That's a Dumb Assassination Quest

The witch is now limited in her quests to you - she will only choose humanoid enemies.

BETA TESTERS ($5 per month)

Bug Fixes for Non-Public Content

Fixed an issue where when Barbara was wearing the portal bra, a new person started to fuck her tits every single round.

Fixed a bug where in certain Extra Credit Zone joint predicaments, students could become aggressive and start combat or other interactions.

ALPHA TESTERS ($18-20 per month)

Topping Turtles

It is now possible to dominate NPCs who have been transformed by the mushroom crown. Be careful not to wear anything too valuable on your chest, though, she might scratch you!

Bug Fixes Just For You Guys

Fixed an issue where the elevator room that does fun stuff with your belly could cause infinite loops with people who had activated the sphincter trophy in the academy.

Fixed a bug where skipping an extra credit zone predicament didn't respawn all your vanished clothing items in the final room!


Fixed a bug where the BBC collar was appearing in runs where interracial fetish is disabled.

(Hopefully) fixed the bug with the poker lesson that caused freezes at the end. It was to do with trying to give you an option to steal the queen of hearts card if it was in your hand at the end of the round.

Fixed a bug where teleport traps could teleport you to elevator rooms.

Fixed a bug where the robo vacuum cleaner could adopt you as its container even if you had your mouth blocked, which could lead to a softlock.

[Lactation] Fixed a bug where the milk fullness icon in the character window got red even when you weren't full.

Fixed a bug where you could not sprinkle powder of identification on cursed containers.

The dickhead/mean patron dominant riding scene now properly gates the a2m content behind the grossness fetish.

Fixed the slutty patron always being described as a woman, even when your npc gender preference was set to male.

The sword-wielding Nintendoll is now properly referred to as the "Sword-Wielding Nintendoll" if futanari fetish is disabled and the player's npc gender preference is not set ot male.

The flavor text for the Sword-Wielding Nintendoll submissive sex scenes now properly refers to her "sword" as a dildo, not a penis.

Fixed the wrestler dominant sex scene sometimes referencing pants the player isn't wearing.

When encountered in the slut school, Barbara will no longer drop a turtle monokini.

The see-through monokini will no longer be found while treasure diving if it already exists in the game world.

Fixed a bug where aeromancer experiments could still give you breast implants even if artificial enhancements were disabled.

Fixed a bug where aeromancer experiments would sometimes force air up your butt even if inflation was disabled.

Fixed a bug where choosing not to fuck the aeromancer anally during dominant sex would not cause you to have an orgasm if you had the largest possible penis size.

Fixed a bug where unsuccessfully dominating the aeromancer could still inflate your belly if inflation is disabled.

Fixed a bug where you could sometimes walk into a summoning portal but there would be no effect because you were not horny enough to masturbate.

Fixed a bug where if pregnancy fetish was disabled, entering the circle in front of the giant statue would have no effect.

Fixed a run-time error that would occur when you tried to remove a clitoris lead or a clitoris piercing.

Fixed the gladiator valuing cupless bras slightly less than she should.

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