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LoTE screenshot 3

Lesser of Two Eves

As a magical rainbow cat familiar, accompany a college girl as she discovers that she has latent magical powers, her city is being heavily corrupted by a demonic aura, and she must juggle weirdly erotic college life in the morning with patrolling the city and fighting demons in the afternoon and night. Spend 'influence points' to help prevent her from making bad decisions, and play a simple-to-understand, difficult-to-master card game to help her succeed at tests of skill.

bad ends
mind control


Release Date:
Update On:

Platform:Windows, Mac, and Linux


This is an early proof-of-concept / pre-alpha of a unique way of letting you, the player, be invested and involved in preventing the corruption and downfall of a magical girl who is prone to making some bad decisions.

How to play

Currently you can either play on your Windows PC by downloading using the big nearby 'Download' button, or on any desktop / laptop, you can play in your browser by going here.

We are working on making an Android APK available soon.

Content warnings

This game contains, amongst other exciting things: transformation, corruption, monsters, pregnancy, bad ends and non-con, which due to strict rules at The Other Place, means that this project will only be funded via SubscribeStar.

What makes this game unique?

The unique 'influence' mechanic allows us to maintain suspension of disbelief when the protagonist does something silly that gets her in trouble, in a way that doesn't feel quite right in traditional games where you, as the player, are forced to make those obviously-bad-idea decisions by yourself.

The quick card mini-game is straightforward enough to avoid confusion and frustration, whilst having enough emergent complexity to actually force you to think, and be extra-careful when the stakes are high. It also forces you to feel more directly invested in the protagonist and whether she succeeds.

The main goals of this project are:

  • We are experimenting with a combination of Unity & a narrative scripting language called Ink, trying to find a setup we like for making text-heavy games even more than we like Inform 7.
  • High replayability - randomly selected events and randomly assigned bosses and story arcs will (eventually) make every game different.
  • Having fun with all the classic magical girl hentai tropes - a secret identity, larger-than-life villains, tentacle monsters & demons, clothing destruction, body transformation, gradual corruption, mind control, time stop magic, sex in the middle of combat, recovering some strength after orgasming from sex in combat, and much more.
  • A gradual corruption of the world around the protagonist, where you can feel everything becoming more sexual and inappropriate as the game progresses. Eventually linked to player performance, in order to create a tougher challenge for magical girls who are performing particularly well (i.e. the better you are doing, the more difficult it becomes to live in this weird corrupted city, and vice-versa)
  • Playing around with classic office / academic setting bullying tropes - from pantsings, to swirlies, to being tied up, stuffed full of vibrators, and left in a storage closet.
  • Making sudden 'Bad Ends' fun - You are NOT expected to seek the bad ends out, but instead encounter them organically, then start again with a new protagonist. In the recommended way to play the game, you will be warned when a Bad End is possible, but there will not be any guaranteed way to avoid them. To make this fun, we will be aiming to keep the expected longevity of your heroine high enough that you get emotionally invested, but low enough that you don't punch your monitor in frustration after she suddenly hits a Bad End. In the future, there will be options to choose how much warning you get, and how difficult it is to avoid sudden Bad Ends.
  • Making your New Game feel like a continuation of the same timeline - some in-game universe changes persist in between runs, defeated bosses stay defeated, and the new heroine is an 'awakened' background character who existed before. And also, you can sometimes bump into your previous defeated heroines.

To be clear, none of these goals have been met yet! This is a proof of concept!!!

Here are some things that we are considering, but holding back on for now because it'll make the code so much more complex:

  • The secret identity of the magical girl is a man.
  • Multiple options for which college classes the protagonist is enrolled in.
  • Randomly generated personalities for each NPC, which determines their behaviour.

Current content (SPOILERS!)

For completionists, we've included a relatively comprehensive list of what you can currently encounter in the game.

Because this is a messy proof-of-concept, certain event chains that seem like they're going somewhere hit a sudden dead-end. If it seems like you can't progress with something, you can also use this list to see if that's because you literally can't progress with it yet because the events haven't been written yet.

Dale College

  • First week announcement that disposable income will be nearly non-existent, and single layer uniform policy.
  • Future week announcement about recommended short skirted uniforms, and 'uniform inspections'.
  • Future week announcement about even shorter skirted uniforms.
  • Future week announcement about detentions for returning to dorms between lessons.
Rec Room Events
  • No panties allowed doormat
  • Nerd Punishment - uniform attacked with scissors
  • Teased for wearing a long skirt
  • Teased for having giant boobs (see Midnight section below)
    • With low breasts fulfillment, can result in sex encounter
  • Teased for wearing sex shop ambassador outfit (see Sex Shop section below)
  • Listening to radio
    • Hears advertisement about Candy Cane's free tickets (see Candy Cane section below)
  • Classmate has suffered a transformation from an attack by a new supervillain
Economics Class
  • Generic start-of-class bullying scenes
  • Perved on while wearing short skirt
  • Prostitution roleplay class (requires < 20 slutty reputation)
  • Bets and forfeits class (requires > 20 self-esteem and at least 2 days passed)
Criminology Class
  • Generic start-of-class bullying scenes
  • Bus molester class
  • Induction class with get-changed-quick challenge
  • Monday 'gladiator' challenge
  • House Pet bullying scene
    • Escalation if she's already eaten the meal in a previous week
  • Absentmindedly singing erotic songs to herself (see Karaoke section below)
Occult Studies
  • Introductory lesson, with find-the-secret-entrance conundrum
  • Unique scene if she is pregnant
  • Unique scene if she wants to obtain power of flight (see Midnight section below)
  • First two detentions are generic
  • After first two, 50% chance of having a dual detention
  • Morning masturbation if unfulfilled
  • Weekend self care
    • Chance to go looking for sex if unfulfilled
  • Sunday invite to Karaoke
  • Sunday gangbang revenge if refused to sing (see Karaoke section below)
  • Noon laundry if lost the laundry bet in economics
  • Random uniform inspections
  • Choosing new magical outfit at night
  • Going to visit the Abbey once finding out about the requirements to gain the magical girl outfit that can allow you to fly.

Patrolling the City

  • Jumped by a flasher
    • Potential to react in a slutty way if Eve has low fulfillment
  • Trolled by a magician
    • She is only there on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Spotting the magician on a future day and demanding an apology
  • Absentmindedly singing erotic songs to herself (see Karaoke section below)
  • The new supervillain Midnight is attacking (requires transformed classmate scene from rec room)
  • Investigate as a civilian to get a permanent large chest
  • In the magical girl battle, let her connect a hand to your butthole (and lose the advantage, and avoid a hand connected to your chest) to get a special cursed butt plug.
Wealthy residential district
  • Unique delivery service witnessed (dead end for now)
  • Fully autonomous cafe
  • Security guard random inspection
  • Special booth next to the cafe with a change of outfit (requires that you've met the weird anal flag lady, and for normal Eve to have substantially ripped her outfit, and for her to therefore be patrolling as Magical Girl Eve)
  • Invisible demon is stripping women for fun!
  • Eve can end up taken care of here if she loses badly to a tentacle monster
Poorer residential district
  • Assaulted in an alleyway
Entertainment district
  • Join the girls for karaoke night on Sunday (if invited!)
    • If Eve sings a song, it might get in her head in the future!
    • If she doesn't, her friend might get some rather extreme revenge next week!
  • Eve can detect that a man is secretly a demon, and might attack
  • Eve sees a woman becoming victim to tentacles, and can intervene
  • Eve, in normal form, can get mistaken for a prostitute if her outfit is too slutty
    • By sarcastically offering a high price, she can accidentally find herself working as one
  • A 'soul demon' can randomly attack Eve if she is patrolling as a Magical Girl
    • You get a Bad End if you fuck up the card game in this encounter!
  • Fans often want selfies with Eve if she is patrolling as a Magical Girl
    • 25% chance it's a demon in disguise who wants to get a surprise attack in
  • Eve, in magical form, can see a man misbehaving in public and consider disciplining him
  • Eve can stumble upon a weird anal flag lady (not at night)
  • When nude, Eve can ask Zippy to help her find something to wear
    • Special options available if you're at the mall
  • When indecent, Eve can get distressed and decide to abandon her patrol and travel back home.
    • If she's not very near campus, she will take the bus.
    • If she's unlucky, she'll get molested.
  • When she has cum in her ass, Eve can suddenly urgently need the toilet.
  • After she's heard the radio advert for Candy Cane's SlutFest, she can get approached in the street by people asking what she's wearing.

Shamville Abbey

  • Gloryhole scene

Miscellaneous Other

  • Eve's magical form can get pregnant from demons. After her next night's sleep, when she next transforms into her magical form, she will have a surprise waiting for her.