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Trap Quest Release 15 Version 1.2 (Hotfix 1)
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This blog post's cover art is from the new 'prank' that Holly can perform! Art by Borvar.
Wonderfuller is here!
To get Wonderfuller working with the new GUI, Aika has had to deal with confusing missing extensions, inexplicable compiler segmentation faults, confusing missing debug output, and laborious work hardcoding the pixel locations of each of the body parts at each size.
But it's done. It's here. And it's mostly working, from what we can tell!
Speaking of the GUI, there's an experimental change that a lot of you are going to be confused by at first, so please read here to prepare yourself.
Experimental GUI Change News
Over the last months, we've been listening to feedback on the new GUI. The one thing that's annoying a bunch of people is that it now takes a number more clicks to view and interact with things in your inventory. So, as a starter for ten, we're experimenting with things that are new to your inventory that you didn't even get to see (largely from being obtained from containers) appearing in the location window for one turn afterwards.
The thing is, you all aren't used to this, so even though there'll be an icon on the object (saying 'this item is in your bag' or 'this item is not in your bag, but it is held'), I expect lots of you will click on the item, thinking it's on the floor, and then proceed to drop it when you try to pick it up.
So, well, we've tried changing the colours of the borders of things that are actually in the room, and we've made the drop and take buttons colour-coded, to try and help you realise before it's too late.

Anyway, we'll let you mess around with this for now, and see if you like it and think we're heading in the right direction, or hate it entirely.
More Coming Soon
This won't be the only new version of TQ in July. There's more stuff in the pipeline, and also we want to get these GUI 'improvements' working better. But we just wanted to get this version up now, since you've all been waiting so long!
We now maintain the download links on the game page!
Hotfix Changelist
To aid with communicating to players whether items in the location window are actually in the location or not, we have put a white border around the ones that are, as opposed to cutscenes, or things that are in your inventory but just currently being brought to your attention.
To aid with communicating to players whether they're about to click on a 'take' button or a 'drop' button, we have colour-coded them - 'take' (and 'take all') are now green, and 'drop' is now red.
Fixed a bug where the game complained about dividing by 0 each turn when you were on 0 HP.
Wonderfuller's body window has successfully been merged with the new dual window GUI code.
New cross class for the kitsune and the stripper - the fox fatale.
- The kimono of illusions can now transform, twice, once into a shorter version called the kimono of misdirection, then again into the super slutty kimono of distraction.
- The midnight tanto can transform into the loveheart tanto.
* A kitsune wielding a loveheart tanto becomes the 'fox fatale' and gains the class bonuses of a stripper.
- Starting a seduction dance routine on an intelligent NPC while holding a metal blade will cause the NPC to demand that you drop the blade.
* However, NPCs will allow a kitsune to continue to hold onto a loveheart tanto.
* A kitsune wielding the midnight tanto and starting a seduction dance routine on an intelligent NPC will first be given the option to allow the tanto to transform on its own.
* Accepting this transformation will also transform your outfit into the kimono of distraction, if possible.
* Wielding a metal blade as you make an intelligent NPC orgasm during a seduction routine, assuming there's no other enemies nearby or anything, allows you to, if you want, put your blade up against the NPC's throat and treat that NPC as if you just defeated them in combat (choose between banish, item, etc).
New art for Holly the ditzy student, and a new prank, with it's own art! By Borvar.
- As long as full bondage protection isn't enabled, she can sneak up behind you and lock her cat bell collar onto your neck.
Getting the alternative dungeon dildo trap scene you get when you're wearing ballet related clothing now tries to summon the ballet corset and thigh high ballet boots if available, and also now has art by Borvar.
NPCs will now always try to actually leave the room as well as lose interested in you when successfully told to stop following you.
Placing a magical crafted item (potion, salve, etc) on the dungeon altar will identify it and uncurse it if possible.
New clothing items:
- Tight long floral skirt
New art for:
- [Tentacles / Egg laying] Facehuggers when they are latched onto your mouth, pussy or ass, including clothing window and buttcam
- Office skirt (it clipped badly with some underwear & leggings)
- Brown and pink tartan microskirts (art erroneously portrayed them as just about long enough to cover the crotch)
- Lecture chair in the hotel
- The lecture chair scene where a schoolgirl player is given the FUCK DOLL balloon scrunchies, by Borvar
- The robomaid, by Borvar
- [A2M] Alternative anilingus art for dark skinned NPCs, by Borvar
- Hotel chest of drawers, by Conrico
- Dungeon dildo rocking stool, by Conrico
Fixed a bug where student pranks and other casual interactions could happen in the Extra Credit Zone.
ALPHA TESTERS (July 2024 unlock file)
New emerald ranked extra credit predicament - the breastfeeding mom. Art by Wishberri!
- You have a fake baby doll that screams, drawing attention to you. Also while it's in this state, your vibrator is turned on.
- You have to find a nearby bench, get your nipple out and pretend to feed it, while actually subtly drinking some bodily fluids yourself behind a face mask.
- Male bystanders will not-so-subtly perv on you while you do this.
- Moving towards the east without first settling the fake baby results in painful electric shocks, as does letting go of the hidden buttons on the doll.
The prologue implied that the maximum possible prize money was over 4 million dollars, when in fact it was closer to 2 million.
Fixed a bug where crafting a headgear such as the latex hood crafted a version with no quest.
Fixed a bug where some inappropriate onesies were leaking into TQ via transformation traps.
Fixed a bug where after learning to examine summoning portals from the witch, it would attempt to tell you what was being summoned next, even if it had no current plans to summon anything.
Fixed a major bug where special magic weapons including the domino mask were not getting their intended damage bonuses, and actually just had an internal damage rating of 0 or 1!
Fixed a bug where the 'have an orgasm' quest that you can get on the rope harness if you obtain it from the mansion statue could never be competed.
Fixed a bug where the new final boss room (now accessible via the elevator behind the hotel security door) wasn't flagged as a boss room, meaning things like hotel patrons could wander in and interact with you in the middle of the boss fight.
Fixed a bug where the stripper maid headdress could keep transforming into itself each times its appearance conditions were met.
Fixed a bug where caged Princess Annie was only talking to you if there WERE other NPCs in the room, rather than the opposite.
The throne can no longer do its tentacle trap if you are wearing indestructible underwear like the portal hotpants (this caused a softlock)
[Lactation] fixed a crashing bug when the robomilkmaid tried to milk you while you had low-milk-capacity breasts (usually because they were full of silicone implants)
Fixed a bug where the orc could say something friendly and then suddenly decide he was your enemy
Fixed a bug where the trash can clothing item didn't appear in the clothing window.
Fixed a bug where the magical schoolgirl class outfits could disappear and replace themselves too easily (e.g. whenever you craft an item)